On the Promise of the Stochastic Generalized Gauss-Newton Method for
Training DNNs
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.02409v4
- Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 08:58:08 GMT
- Title: On the Promise of the Stochastic Generalized Gauss-Newton Method for
Training DNNs
- Authors: Matilde Gargiani, Andrea Zanelli, Moritz Diehl, Frank Hutter
- Abstract summary: We study a generalized Gauss-Newton method (SGN) for training DNNs.
SGN is a second-order optimization method, with efficient iterations, that we demonstrate to often require substantially fewer iterations than standard SGD to converge.
We show that SGN does not only substantially improve over SGD in terms of the number of iterations, but also in terms of runtime.
This is made possible by an efficient, easy-to-use and flexible implementation of SGN we propose in the Theano deep learning platform.
- Score: 37.96456928567548
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Following early work on Hessian-free methods for deep learning, we study a
stochastic generalized Gauss-Newton method (SGN) for training DNNs. SGN is a
second-order optimization method, with efficient iterations, that we
demonstrate to often require substantially fewer iterations than standard SGD
to converge. As the name suggests, SGN uses a Gauss-Newton approximation for
the Hessian matrix, and, in order to compute an approximate search direction,
relies on the conjugate gradient method combined with forward and reverse
automatic differentiation. Despite the success of SGD and its first-order
variants, and despite Hessian-free methods based on the Gauss-Newton Hessian
approximation having been already theoretically proposed as practical methods
for training DNNs, we believe that SGN has a lot of undiscovered and yet not
fully displayed potential in big mini-batch scenarios. For this setting, we
demonstrate that SGN does not only substantially improve over SGD in terms of
the number of iterations, but also in terms of runtime. This is made possible
by an efficient, easy-to-use and flexible implementation of SGN we propose in
the Theano deep learning platform, which, unlike Tensorflow and Pytorch,
supports forward automatic differentiation. This enables researchers to further
study and improve this promising optimization technique and hopefully
reconsider stochastic second-order methods as competitive optimization
techniques for training DNNs; we also hope that the promise of SGN may lead to
forward automatic differentiation being added to Tensorflow or Pytorch. Our
results also show that in big mini-batch scenarios SGN is more robust than SGD
with respect to its hyperparameters (we never had to tune its step-size for our
benchmarks!), which eases the expensive process of hyperparameter tuning that
is instead crucial for the performance of first-order methods.
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