A non-causal FFTNet architecture for speech enhancement
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04469v1
- Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 10:49:04 GMT
- Title: A non-causal FFTNet architecture for speech enhancement
- Authors: Muhammed PV Shifas, Nagaraj Adiga, Vassilis Tsiaras, Yannis Stylianou
- Abstract summary: We suggest a new parallel, non-causal and shallow waveform domain architecture for speech enhancement based on FFTNet.
By suggesting a shallow network and applying non-causality within certain limits, the suggested FFTNet uses much fewer parameters compared to other neural network based approaches.
- Score: 18.583426581177278
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this paper, we suggest a new parallel, non-causal and shallow waveform
domain architecture for speech enhancement based on FFTNet, a neural network
for generating high quality audio waveform. In contrast to other waveform based
approaches like WaveNet, FFTNet uses an initial wide dilation pattern. Such an
architecture better represents the long term correlated structure of speech in
the time domain, where noise is usually highly non-correlated, and therefore it
is suitable for waveform domain based speech enhancement. To further strengthen
this feature of FFTNet, we suggest a non-causal FFTNet architecture, where the
present sample in each layer is estimated from the past and future samples of
the previous layer. By suggesting a shallow network and applying non-causality
within certain limits, the suggested FFTNet for speech enhancement (SE-FFTNet)
uses much fewer parameters compared to other neural network based approaches
for speech enhancement like WaveNet and SEGAN. Specifically, the suggested
network has considerably reduced model parameters: 32% fewer compared to
WaveNet and 87% fewer compared to SEGAN. Finally, based on subjective and
objective metrics, SE-FFTNet outperforms WaveNet in terms of enhanced signal
quality, while it provides equally good performance as SEGAN. A Tensorflow
implementation of the architecture is provided at 1 .
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