Neural Physicist: Learning Physical Dynamics from Image Sequences
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- Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 04:36:51 GMT
- Title: Neural Physicist: Learning Physical Dynamics from Image Sequences
- Authors: Baocheng Zhu, Shijun Wang and James Zhang
- Abstract summary: We present a novel architecture named Neural Physicist (NeurPhy) to learn physical dynamics directly from image sequences using deep neural networks.
Our model can not only extract the physically meaningful state representations, but also learn the state transition dynamics enabling long-term predictions for unseen image sequences.
- Score: 0.6445605125467573
- License:
- Abstract: We present a novel architecture named Neural Physicist (NeurPhy) to learn
physical dynamics directly from image sequences using deep neural networks. For
any physical system, given the global system parameters, the time evolution of
states is governed by the underlying physical laws. How to learn meaningful
system representations in an end-to-end way and estimate accurate state
transition dynamics facilitating long-term prediction have been long-standing
challenges. In this paper, by leveraging recent progresses in representation
learning and state space models (SSMs), we propose NeurPhy, which uses
variational auto-encoder (VAE) to extract underlying Markovian dynamic state at
each time step, neural process (NP) to extract the global system parameters,
and a non-linear non-recurrent stochastic state space model to learn the
physical dynamic transition. We apply NeurPhy to two physical experimental
environments, i.e., damped pendulum and planetary orbits motion, and achieve
promising results. Our model can not only extract the physically meaningful
state representations, but also learn the state transition dynamics enabling
long-term predictions for unseen image sequences. Furthermore, from the
manifold dimension of the latent state space, we can easily identify the degree
of freedom (DoF) of the underlying physical systems.
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