Dual-level Semantic Transfer Deep Hashing for Efficient Social Image
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.05586v1
- Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 01:03:09 GMT
- Title: Dual-level Semantic Transfer Deep Hashing for Efficient Social Image
- Authors: Lei Zhu, Hui Cui, Zhiyong Cheng, Jingjing Li, Zheng Zhang
- Abstract summary: Social network stores and disseminates a tremendous amount of user shared images.
Deep hashing is an efficient indexing technique to support large-scale social image retrieval.
Existing methods suffer from severe semantic shortage when optimizing a large amount of deep neural network parameters.
We propose a Dual-level Semantic Transfer Deep Hashing (DSTDH) method to alleviate this problem.
- Score: 35.78137004253608
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Social network stores and disseminates a tremendous amount of user shared
images. Deep hashing is an efficient indexing technique to support large-scale
social image retrieval, due to its deep representation capability, fast
retrieval speed and low storage cost. Particularly, unsupervised deep hashing
has well scalability as it does not require any manually labelled data for
training. However, owing to the lacking of label guidance, existing methods
suffer from severe semantic shortage when optimizing a large amount of deep
neural network parameters. Differently, in this paper, we propose a Dual-level
Semantic Transfer Deep Hashing (DSTDH) method to alleviate this problem with a
unified deep hash learning framework. Our model targets at learning the
semantically enhanced deep hash codes by specially exploiting the
user-generated tags associated with the social images. Specifically, we design
a complementary dual-level semantic transfer mechanism to efficiently discover
the potential semantics of tags and seamlessly transfer them into binary hash
codes. On the one hand, instance-level semantics are directly preserved into
hash codes from the associated tags with adverse noise removing. Besides, an
image-concept hypergraph is constructed for indirectly transferring the latent
high-order semantic correlations of images and tags into hash codes. Moreover,
the hash codes are obtained simultaneously with the deep representation
learning by the discrete hash optimization strategy. Extensive experiments on
two public social image retrieval datasets validate the superior performance of
our method compared with state-of-the-art hashing methods. The source codes of
our method can be obtained at https://github.com/research2020-1/DSTDH
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