Selecting the Number of Clusters $K$ with a Stability Trade-off: an
Internal Validation Criterion
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- Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 20:28:01 GMT
- Title: Selecting the Number of Clusters $K$ with a Stability Trade-off: an
Internal Validation Criterion
- Authors: Alex Mourer, Florent Forest, Mustapha Lebbah, Hanane Azzag and
J\'er\^ome Lacaille
- Abstract summary: Clustering stability has emerged as a natural and model-agnostic principle.
We propose a new principle: a good clustering should be stable, and within each cluster, there should exist no stable partition.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Model selection is a major challenge in non-parametric clustering. There is
no universally admitted way to evaluate clustering results for the obvious
reason that no ground truth is available. The difficulty to find a universal
evaluation criterion is a consequence of the ill-defined objective of
clustering. In this perspective, clustering stability has emerged as a natural
and model-agnostic principle: an algorithm should find stable structures in the
data. If data sets are repeatedly sampled from the same underlying
distribution, an algorithm should find similar partitions. However, stability
alone is not well-suited to determine the number of clusters. For instance, it
is unable to detect if the number of clusters is too small. We propose a new
principle: a good clustering should be stable, and within each cluster, there
should exist no stable partition. This principle leads to a novel clustering
validation criterion based on between-cluster and within-cluster stability,
overcoming limitations of previous stability-based methods. We empirically
demonstrate the effectiveness of our criterion to select the number of clusters
and compare it with existing methods. Code is available at
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