FANOK: Knockoffs in Linear Time
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 21:55:34 GMT
- Title: FANOK: Knockoffs in Linear Time
- Authors: Armin Askari, Quentin Rebjock, Alexandre d'Aspremont and Laurent El
- Abstract summary: We describe a series of algorithms that efficiently implement Gaussian model-X knockoffs to control the false discovery rate on large scale feature selection problems.
We test our methods on problems with $p$ as large as $500,000$.
- Score: 73.5154025911318
- License:
- Abstract: We describe a series of algorithms that efficiently implement Gaussian
model-X knockoffs to control the false discovery rate on large scale feature
selection problems. Identifying the knockoff distribution requires solving a
large scale semidefinite program for which we derive several efficient methods.
One handles generic covariance matrices, has a complexity scaling as $O(p^3)$
where $p$ is the ambient dimension, while another assumes a rank $k$ factor
model on the covariance matrix to reduce this complexity bound to $O(pk^2)$. We
also derive efficient procedures to both estimate factor models and sample
knockoff covariates with complexity linear in the dimension. We test our
methods on problems with $p$ as large as $500,000$.
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