Convergence of Sparse Variational Inference in Gaussian Processes
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- Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2020 19:23:34 GMT
- Title: Convergence of Sparse Variational Inference in Gaussian Processes
- Authors: David R. Burt and Carl Edward Rasmussen and Mark van der Wilk
- Abstract summary: We show that a method with an overall computational cost of $mathcalO(log N)2D(loglog N)2)$ can be used to perform inference.
- Score: 29.636483122130027
- License:
- Abstract: Gaussian processes are distributions over functions that are versatile and
mathematically convenient priors in Bayesian modelling. However, their use is
often impeded for data with large numbers of observations, $N$, due to the
cubic (in $N$) cost of matrix operations used in exact inference. Many
solutions have been proposed that rely on $M \ll N$ inducing variables to form
an approximation at a cost of $\mathcal{O}(NM^2)$. While the computational cost
appears linear in $N$, the true complexity depends on how $M$ must scale with
$N$ to ensure a certain quality of the approximation. In this work, we
investigate upper and lower bounds on how $M$ needs to grow with $N$ to ensure
high quality approximations. We show that we can make the KL-divergence between
the approximate model and the exact posterior arbitrarily small for a
Gaussian-noise regression model with $M\ll N$. Specifically, for the popular
squared exponential kernel and $D$-dimensional Gaussian distributed covariates,
$M=\mathcal{O}((\log N)^D)$ suffice and a method with an overall computational
cost of $\mathcal{O}(N(\log N)^{2D}(\log\log N)^2)$ can be used to perform
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