Bayesian Sparse learning with preconditioned stochastic gradient MCMC
and its applications
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- Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 20:57:20 GMT
- Title: Bayesian Sparse learning with preconditioned stochastic gradient MCMC
and its applications
- Authors: Yating Wang, Wei Deng, Lin Guang
- Abstract summary: The proposed algorithm converges to the correct distribution with a controllable bias under mild conditions.
We show that the proposed algorithm canally converge to the correct distribution with a controllable bias under mild conditions.
- Score: 5.660384137948734
- License:
- Abstract: In this work, we propose a Bayesian type sparse deep learning algorithm. The
algorithm utilizes a set of spike-and-slab priors for the parameters in the
deep neural network. The hierarchical Bayesian mixture will be trained using an
adaptive empirical method. That is, one will alternatively sample from the
posterior using preconditioned stochastic gradient Langevin Dynamics (PSGLD),
and optimize the latent variables via stochastic approximation. The sparsity of
the network is achieved while optimizing the hyperparameters with adaptive
searching and penalizing. A popular SG-MCMC approach is Stochastic gradient
Langevin dynamics (SGLD). However, considering the complex geometry in the
model parameter space in non-convex learning, updating parameters using a
universal step size in each component as in SGLD may cause slow mixing. To
address this issue, we apply a computationally manageable preconditioner in the
updating rule, which provides a step-size parameter to adapt to local geometric
properties. Moreover, by smoothly optimizing the hyperparameter in the
preconditioning matrix, our proposed algorithm ensures a decreasing bias, which
is introduced by ignoring the correction term in preconditioned SGLD. According
to the existing theoretical framework, we show that the proposed algorithm can
asymptotically converge to the correct distribution with a controllable bias
under mild conditions. Numerical tests are performed on both synthetic
regression problems and learning the solutions of elliptic PDE, which
demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of present work.
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