Towards precision holography
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- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2021 22:29:59 GMT
- Title: Towards precision holography
- Authors: Niko Jokela and Arttu P\"onni
- Abstract summary: In principle one should be able to recover the full geometry as encoded on the duals of the gravity of the spacetime.
Even this requirement cannot be fulfilled with arbitrary precision simply due to the fact that the boundary data is inherently noisy.
We present a statistical approach to bulk reconstruction from entanglement entropy measurements, which handles the presence of noise in a natural way.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: A minimal requirement for any strongly coupled gauge field theory to have a
classical dual bulk gravity description is that one should in principle be able
to recover the full geometry as encoded on the asymptotics of the spacetime.
Even this requirement cannot be fulfilled with arbitrary precision simply due
to the fact that the boundary data is inherently noisy. We present a
statistical approach to bulk reconstruction from entanglement entropy
measurements, which handles the presence of noise in a natural way. Our
approach therefore opens up a novel gateway for precision holography.
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