Experimental realization of high-fidelity teleportation via
non-Markovian open quantum system
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.01318v2
- Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 14:56:08 GMT
- Title: Experimental realization of high-fidelity teleportation via
non-Markovian open quantum system
- Authors: Zhao-Di Liu, Yong-Nan Sun, Bi-Heng Liu, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo,
Sina Hamedani Raja, Henri Lyyra, Jyrki Piilo
- Abstract summary: We show that it is possible to implement efficiently a quantum protocol via non-Markovian open system.
The experiment is based on a pair of photons, where their polarizations act as open system qubits and frequencies as their environments.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Open quantum systems and study of decoherence are important for our
fundamental understanding of quantum physical phenomena. For practical
purposes, there exists a large number of quantum protocols exploiting quantum
resources, e.g. entanglement, which allows to go beyond what is possible to
achieve by classical means. We combine concepts from open quantum systems and
quantum information science, and give a proof-of-principle experimental
demonstration -- with teleportation -- that it is possible to implement
efficiently a quantum protocol via non-Markovian open system. The results show
that, at the time of implementation of the protocol, it is not necessary to
have the quantum resource in the degree of freedom used for the basic protocol
-- as long as there exists some other degree of freedom, or environment of an
open system, which contains useful resources. The experiment is based on a pair
of photons, where their polarizations act as open system qubits and frequencies
as their environments -- while the path degree of freedom of one of the photons
represents the state of Alice's qubit to be teleported to Bob's polarization
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