A Study of Gradient Variance in Deep Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04532v1
- Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 03:23:10 GMT
- Title: A Study of Gradient Variance in Deep Learning
- Authors: Fartash Faghri, David Duvenaud, David J. Fleet, Jimmy Ba
- Abstract summary: We introduce a method, Gradient Clustering, to minimize the variance of average mini-batch gradient with stratified sampling.
We measure the gradient variance on common deep learning benchmarks and observe that, contrary to common assumptions, gradient variance increases during training.
- Score: 56.437755740715396
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The impact of gradient noise on training deep models is widely acknowledged
but not well understood. In this context, we study the distribution of
gradients during training. We introduce a method, Gradient Clustering, to
minimize the variance of average mini-batch gradient with stratified sampling.
We prove that the variance of average mini-batch gradient is minimized if the
elements are sampled from a weighted clustering in the gradient space. We
measure the gradient variance on common deep learning benchmarks and observe
that, contrary to common assumptions, gradient variance increases during
training, and smaller learning rates coincide with higher variance. In
addition, we introduce normalized gradient variance as a statistic that better
correlates with the speed of convergence compared to gradient variance.
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