Differentiable Joint Pruning and Quantization for Hardware Efficiency
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.10463v2
- Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2021 18:45:08 GMT
- Title: Differentiable Joint Pruning and Quantization for Hardware Efficiency
- Authors: Ying Wang, Yadong Lu and Tijmen Blankevoort
- Abstract summary: DJPQ incorporates variational information bottleneck based structured pruning and mixed-bit precision quantization into a single differentiable loss function.
We show that DJPQ significantly reduces the number of Bit-Operations (BOPs) for several networks while maintaining the top-1 accuracy of original floating-point models.
- Score: 16.11027058505213
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We present a differentiable joint pruning and quantization (DJPQ) scheme. We
frame neural network compression as a joint gradient-based optimization
problem, trading off between model pruning and quantization automatically for
hardware efficiency. DJPQ incorporates variational information bottleneck based
structured pruning and mixed-bit precision quantization into a single
differentiable loss function. In contrast to previous works which consider
pruning and quantization separately, our method enables users to find the
optimal trade-off between both in a single training procedure. To utilize the
method for more efficient hardware inference, we extend DJPQ to integrate
structured pruning with power-of-two bit-restricted quantization. We show that
DJPQ significantly reduces the number of Bit-Operations (BOPs) for several
networks while maintaining the top-1 accuracy of original floating-point models
(e.g., 53x BOPs reduction in ResNet18 on ImageNet, 43x in MobileNetV2).
Compared to the conventional two-stage approach, which optimizes pruning and
quantization independently, our scheme outperforms in terms of both accuracy
and BOPs. Even when considering bit-restricted quantization, DJPQ achieves
larger compression ratios and better accuracy than the two-stage approach.
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