On the Regularization Effect of Stochastic Gradient Descent applied to
Least Squares
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.13288v2
- Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 20:34:27 GMT
- Title: On the Regularization Effect of Stochastic Gradient Descent applied to
Least Squares
- Authors: Stefan Steinerberger
- Abstract summary: We study the behavior of gradient descent applied to $|Ax -b |2 rightarrow min$ for invertible $A in mathbbRn times n$.
We show that there is an explicit constant $c_A$ depending (mildly) on $A$ such that $$ mathbbE left| Ax_k+1-bright|2_2 leq.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We study the behavior of stochastic gradient descent applied to $\|Ax -b
\|_2^2 \rightarrow \min$ for invertible $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$. We
show that there is an explicit constant $c_{A}$ depending (mildly) on $A$ such
that $$ \mathbb{E} ~\left\| Ax_{k+1}-b\right\|^2_{2} \leq \left(1 +
\frac{c_{A}}{\|A\|_F^2}\right) \left\|A x_k -b \right\|^2_{2} -
\frac{2}{\|A\|_F^2} \left\|A^T A (x_k - x)\right\|^2_{2}.$$ This is a curious
inequality: the last term has one more matrix applied to the residual $u_k - u$
than the remaining terms: if $x_k - x$ is mainly comprised of large singular
vectors, stochastic gradient descent leads to a quick regularization. For
symmetric matrices, this inequality has an extension to higher-order Sobolev
spaces. This explains a (known) regularization phenomenon: an energy cascade
from large singular values to small singular values smoothes.
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