Magnon blockade in a PT-symmetric-like cavity magnomechanical system
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 07:42:11 GMT
- Title: Magnon blockade in a PT-symmetric-like cavity magnomechanical system
- Authors: Liang Wang, Zhi-Xin Yang, Yu-Mu Liu, Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang,
Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang
- Abstract summary: We investigate the magnon blockade effect in a symmetric-like three-mode cavity magnomechanical system.
Our work paves a way to achieve the magnon blockade in experiment.
- Score: 4.580264016844501
- License:
- Abstract: We investigate the magnon blockade effect in a parity-time (PT)
symmetric-like three-mode cavity magnomechanical system involving the
magnon-photon and magnon-phonon interactions. In the broken and unbroken
PT-symmetric regions, we respectively calculate the second-order correlation
function analytically and numerically and further determine the optimal value
of detuning. By adjusting different system parameters, we study the different
blockade mechanisms and find that the perfect magnon blockade effect can be
observed under the weak parameter mechanism. Our work paves a way to achieve
the magnon blockade in experiment.
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