Achieving Strong Magnon Blockade through Magnon Squeezing in a Cavity
Magnetomechanical System
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 20:03:38 GMT
- Title: Achieving Strong Magnon Blockade through Magnon Squeezing in a Cavity
Magnetomechanical System
- Authors: M. Amazioug, D. S. Dutykh, B. Teklu and M. Asjad
- Abstract summary: Under ideal conditions, we observe a substantial magnon blockade effect, as well as simultaneous photon blockade.
The proposed scheme will be a pioneering approach towards magnon (photon) blockade in experimental cavity magnomechanical systems.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We propose a scheme to achieve magnon (photon) blockade by using magnon
squeezing within a cavity magnomechanical system under weak pump driving. Under
ideal conditions, we observe a substantial magnon blockade effect, as well as
simultaneous photon blockade. Moreover, both numerical and analytical results
match perfectly, providing robust evidence of consistency. In addition to
calculating optimal parametric gain and detuning values, we can improve the
second-order correlation function. The proposed scheme will be a pioneering
approach towards magnon (photon) blockade in experimental cavity
magnomechanical systems.
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