Modification of quantum many-body relaxation by perturbations exhibiting
a banded matrix structure
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- Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2020 15:29:01 GMT
- Title: Modification of quantum many-body relaxation by perturbations exhibiting
a banded matrix structure
- Authors: Lennart Dabelow, Patrick Vorndamme, and Peter Reimann
- Abstract summary: We investigate how the observable relaxation behavior of an isolated quantum many-body system is modified in response to weak-to-moderate perturbations.
A key role is played by the so-called perturbation profile, which characterizes the dependence of the perturbation matrix elements in the eigenbasis of the unperturbed Hamiltonian.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We investigate how the observable relaxation behavior of an isolated quantum
many-body system is modified in response to weak-to-moderate perturbations
within a nonperturbative typicality framework. A key role is played by the
so-called perturbation profile, which characterizes the dependence of the
perturbation matrix elements in the eigenbasis of the unperturbed Hamiltonian
on the difference of the corresponding energy eigenvalues. In particular, a
banded matrix structure is quantitatively captured by a perturbation profile
which approaches zero for large energy differences. The temporal modification
of the relaxation is linked to the perturbation profile via a nonlinear
integral equation, which admits approximate analytical solutions for
sufficiently weak and strong perturbations, and for which we work out a
numerical solution scheme in the general case. As an example, we consider a
spin lattice model with a pronounced banded matrix structure, and we find very
good agreement of the numerics with our analytical predictions without any free
fit parameter.
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