Conservative Stochastic Optimization with Expectation Constraints
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- Date: Sat, 29 May 2021 05:32:29 GMT
- Title: Conservative Stochastic Optimization with Expectation Constraints
- Authors: Zeeshan Akhtar, Amrit Singh Bedi, and Ketan Rajawat
- Abstract summary: This paper considers convex optimization problems where the objective and constraint functions involve expectations with respect to the data indices or environmental variables.
Online and efficient approaches for solving such problems have not been widely studied.
We propose a novel conservative optimization algorithm (CSOA) that achieves zero constraint violation and $Oleft(T-frac12right)$ optimality gap.
- Score: 11.393603788068777
- License:
- Abstract: This paper considers stochastic convex optimization problems where the
objective and constraint functions involve expectations with respect to the
data indices or environmental variables, in addition to deterministic convex
constraints on the domain of the variables. Although the setting is generic and
arises in different machine learning applications, online and efficient
approaches for solving such problems have not been widely studied. Since the
underlying data distribution is unknown a priori, a closed-form solution is
generally not available, and classical deterministic optimization paradigms are
not applicable. State-of-the-art approaches, such as those using the saddle
point framework, can ensure that the optimality gap as well as the constraint
violation decay as $\O\left(T^{-\frac{1}{2}}\right)$ where $T$ is the number of
stochastic gradients. The domain constraints are assumed simple and handled via
projection at every iteration. In this work, we propose a novel conservative
stochastic optimization algorithm (CSOA) that achieves zero constraint
violation and $\O\left(T^{-\frac{1}{2}}\right)$ optimality gap.
Further, the projection operation (for scenarios when calculating projection
is expensive) in the proposed algorithm can be avoided by considering the
conditional gradient or Frank-Wolfe (FW) variant of the algorithm. The
state-of-the-art stochastic FW variants achieve an optimality gap of
$\O\left(T^{-\frac{1}{3}}\right)$ after $T$ iterations, though these algorithms
have not been applied to problems with functional expectation constraints. In
this work, we propose the FW-CSOA algorithm that is not only projection-free
but also achieves zero constraint violation with
$\O\left(T^{-\frac{1}{4}}\right)$ decay of the optimality gap. The efficacy of
the proposed algorithms is tested on two relevant problems: fair classification
and structured matrix completion.
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