Mastering Large Scale Multi-label Image Recognition with high efficiency
overCamera trap images
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2020 09:51:34 GMT
- Title: Mastering Large Scale Multi-label Image Recognition with high efficiency
overCamera trap images
- Authors: Miroslav Valan and Luk\'a\v{s} Picek
- Abstract summary: We are proposing an easy, accessible, light-weight, fast and efficient approach based on our winning submission to the "Hakuna Ma-data - Serengeti Wildlife Identification challenge"
Our system achieved an Accuracy of 97% and outperformed the human level performance.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Camera traps are crucial in biodiversity motivated studies, however dealing
with large number of images while annotating these data sets is a tedious and
time consuming task. To speed up this process, Machine Learning approaches are
a reasonable asset. In this article we are proposing an easy, accessible,
light-weight, fast and efficient approach based on our winning submission to
the "Hakuna Ma-data - Serengeti Wildlife Identification challenge". Our system
achieved an Accuracy of 97% and outperformed the human level performance. We
show that, given relatively large data sets, it is effective to look at each
image only once with little or no augmentation. By utilizing such a simple, yet
effective baseline we were able to avoid over-fitting without extensive
regularization techniques and to train a top scoring system on a very limited
hardware featuring single GPU (1080Ti) despite the large training set (6.7M
images and 6TB).
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