Towards Flexible Sparsity-Aware Modeling: Automatic Tensor Rank Learning
Using The Generalized Hyperbolic Prior
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- Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 07:22:08 GMT
- Title: Towards Flexible Sparsity-Aware Modeling: Automatic Tensor Rank Learning
Using The Generalized Hyperbolic Prior
- Authors: Lei Cheng, Zhongtao Chen, Qingjiang Shi, Yik-Chung Wu, and Sergios
- Abstract summary: rank learning for canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) has long been deemed as an essential yet challenging problem.
The optimal determination of a tensor rank is known to be a non-deterministic-time hard (NP-hard) task.
In this paper, we introduce a more advanced generalized hyperbolic (GH) prior to the probabilistic modeling model, which is more flexible to adapt to different levels of sparsity.
- Score: 24.848237413017937
- License:
- Abstract: Tensor rank learning for canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) has long been
deemed as an essential yet challenging problem. In particular, since the tensor
rank controls the complexity of the CPD model, its inaccurate learning would
cause overfitting to noise or underfitting to the signal sources, and even
destroy the interpretability of model parameters. However, the optimal
determination of a tensor rank is known to be a non-deterministic
polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) task. Rather than exhaustively searching for the
best tensor rank via trial-and-error experiments, Bayesian inference under the
Gaussian-gamma prior was introduced in the context of probabilistic CPD
modeling, and it was shown to be an effective strategy for automatic tensor
rank determination. This triggered flourishing research on other structured
tensor CPDs with automatic tensor rank learning. On the other side of the coin,
these research works also reveal that the Gaussian-gamma model does not perform
well for high-rank tensors and/or low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). To
overcome these drawbacks, in this paper, we introduce a more advanced
generalized hyperbolic (GH) prior to the probabilistic CPD model, which not
only includes the Gaussian-gamma model as a special case, but also is more
flexible to adapt to different levels of sparsity. Based on this novel
probabilistic model, an algorithm is developed under the framework of
variational inference, where each update is obtained in a closed-form.
Extensive numerical results, using synthetic data and real-world datasets,
demonstrate the significantly improved performance of the proposed method in
learning both low as well as high tensor ranks even for low SNR cases.
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