Tunable Subnetwork Splitting for Model-parallelism of Neural Network
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.04053v2
- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 21:18:59 GMT
- Title: Tunable Subnetwork Splitting for Model-parallelism of Neural Network
- Authors: Junxiang Wang, Zheng Chai, Yue Cheng, Liang Zhao
- Abstract summary: We propose a Tunable Subnetwork Splitting Method (TSSM) to tune the decomposition of deep neural networks.
Our proposed TSSM can achieve significant speedup without observable loss of training accuracy.
- Score: 12.755664985045582
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Alternating minimization methods have recently been proposed as alternatives
to the gradient descent for deep neural network optimization. Alternating
minimization methods can typically decompose a deep neural network into
layerwise subproblems, which can then be optimized in parallel. Despite the
significant parallelism, alternating minimization methods are rarely explored
in training deep neural networks because of the severe accuracy degradation. In
this paper, we analyze the reason and propose to achieve a compelling trade-off
between parallelism and accuracy by a reformulation called Tunable Subnetwork
Splitting Method (TSSM), which can tune the decomposition granularity of deep
neural networks. Two methods gradient splitting Alternating Direction Method of
Multipliers (gsADMM) and gradient splitting Alternating Minimization (gsAM) are
proposed to solve the TSSM formulation. Experiments on five benchmark datasets
show that our proposed TSSM can achieve significant speedup without observable
loss of training accuracy. The code has been released at
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