論文の概要: ABM: an automatic supervised feature engineering method for loss based
models based on group and fused lasso
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.10498v1
- Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 12:42:22 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-15 23:00:47.156681
- Title: ABM: an automatic supervised feature engineering method for loss based
models based on group and fused lasso
- Title(参考訳): abm:グループと融合ラッソに基づく損失ベースモデルのための自動教師付き特徴設計手法
- Authors: Weijian Luo and Yongxian Long
- Abstract要約: 分類や回帰問題の解決における重要な問題は、モデルに入力される前のデータに特徴工学と変数選択を適用することである。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A vital problem in solving classification or regression problem is to apply
feature engineering and variable selection on data before fed into models.One
of a most popular feature engineering method is to discretisize continous
variable with some cutting points,which is refered to as bining processing.Good
cutting points are important for improving model's ability, because wonderful
bining may ignore some noisy variance in continous variable range and keep
useful leveled information with good ordered encodings.However, to our best
knowledge a majority of cutting point selection is done via researchers domain
knownledge or some naive methods like equal-width cutting or equal-frequency
cutting.In this paper we propose an end-to-end supervised cutting point
selection method based on group and fused lasso along with the automatically
variable selection effect.We name our method \textbf{ABM}(automatic bining
machine). We firstly cut each variable range into fine grid bins and train
model with our group and group fused lasso regularization on each successive
bins.It is a method that integrates feature engineering,variable selection and
model training simultanously.And one more inspiring thing is that the method is
flexible such that it can be taken into a bunch of loss function based model
including deep neural networks.We have also implemented the method in R and
open the source code to other researchers.A Python version will also meet the
community in days.
- Abstract(参考訳): A vital problem in solving classification or regression problem is to apply feature engineering and variable selection on data before fed into models.One of a most popular feature engineering method is to discretisize continous variable with some cutting points,which is refered to as bining processing.Good cutting points are important for improving model's ability, because wonderful bining may ignore some noisy variance in continous variable range and keep useful leveled information with good ordered encodings.However, to our best knowledge a majority of cutting point selection is done via researchers domain knownledge or some naive methods like equal-width cutting or equal-frequency cutting.In this paper we propose an end-to-end supervised cutting point selection method based on group and fused lasso along with the automatically variable selection effect.We name our method \textbf{ABM}(automatic bining machine).
We firstly cut each variable range into fine grid bins and train model with our group and group fused lasso regularization on each successive bins.It is a method that integrates feature engineering,variable selection and model training simultanously.And one more inspiring thing is that the method is flexible such that it can be taken into a bunch of loss function based model including deep neural networks.We have also implemented the method in R and open the source code to other researchers.A Python version will also meet the community in days.
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