Attenuating the fermion sign problem in path integral Monte Carlo
simulations using the Bogoliubov inequality and thermodynamic integration
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- Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 10:14:46 GMT
- Title: Attenuating the fermion sign problem in path integral Monte Carlo
simulations using the Bogoliubov inequality and thermodynamic integration
- Authors: Tobias Dornheim and Michele Invernizzi and Jan Vorberger and Barak
- Abstract summary: Accurate thermodynamic simulations of correlated fermions using path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) methods are of paramount importance.
The main obstacle is the fermion sign problem (FSP), which leads to an exponential increase in time.
In the present work, we extend this approach by adding a parameter that controls the computation, allowing for an extrapolation to the exact result.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Accurate thermodynamic simulations of correlated fermions using path integral
Monte Carlo (PIMC) methods are of paramount importance for many applications
such as the description of ultracold atoms, electrons in quantum dots, and
warm-dense matter. The main obstacle is the fermion sign problem (FSP), which
leads to an exponential increase in computation time both with increasing the
system-size and with decreasing temperature. Very recently, Hirshberg et al.
[J. Chem. Phys. 152, 171102 (2020)] have proposed to alleviate the FSP based on
the Bogoliubov inequality. In the present work, we extend this approach by
adding a parameter that controls the perturbation, allowing for an
extrapolation to the exact result. In this way, we can also use thermodynamic
integration to obtain an improved estimate of the fermionic energy. As a test
system, we choose electrons in 2D and 3D quantum dots and find in some cases a
speed-up exceeding 10^6 , as compared to standard PIMC, while retaining a
relative accuracy of $\sim0.1\%$. Our approach is quite general and can readily
be adapted to other simulation methods.
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