A state-averaged orbital-optimized hybrid quantum-classical algorithm
for a democratic description of ground and excited states
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.11417v2
- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2021 12:47:23 GMT
- Title: A state-averaged orbital-optimized hybrid quantum-classical algorithm
for a democratic description of ground and excited states
- Authors: Saad Yalouz, Bruno Senjean, Jakob G\"unther, Francesco Buda, Thomas E.
O'Brien, Lucas Visscher
- Abstract summary: In the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era, solving the electronic structure problem from chemistry is considered as the "killer application"
We introduce a method called "State-Averaged Orbital-d Variationalsolver" (SA-OO-VQE) which combines two algorithms.
We show that merging both algorithms fulfil the necessary condition to describe the molecule's conical intersection.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era, solving the electronic
structure problem from chemistry is considered as the "killer application" for
near-term quantum devices. In spite of the success of variational hybrid
quantum/classical algorithms in providing accurate energy profiles for small
molecules, careful considerations are still required for the description of
complicated features of potential energy surfaces. Because the current quantum
resources are very limited, it is common to focus on a restricted part of the
Hilbert space (determined by the set of active orbitals). While physically
motivated, this approximation can severely impact the description of these
complicated features. A perfect example is that of conical intersections (i.e.
a singular point of degeneracy between electronic states), which are of primary
importance to understand many prominent reactions. Designing active spaces so
that the improved accuracy from a quantum computer is not rendered useless is
key to finding useful applications of these promising devices within the field
of chemistry. To answer this issue, we introduce a NISQ-friendly method called
"State-Averaged Orbital-Optimized Variational Quantum Eigensolver" (SA-OO-VQE)
which combines two algorithms: (1) a state-averaged orbital-optimizer, and (2)
a state-averaged VQE. To demonstrate the success of the method, we classically
simulate it on a minimal Schiff base model (namely the formaldimine molecule
CH2NH) relevant also for the photoisomerization in rhodopsin -- a crucial step
in the process of vision mediated by the presence of a conical intersection. We
show that merging both algorithms fulfil the necessary condition to describe
the molecule's conical intersection, i.e. the ability to treat degenerate (or
quasi-degenerate) states on the same footing.
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