Learning from eXtreme Bandit Feedback
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.12947v2
- Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 22:58:15 GMT
- Title: Learning from eXtreme Bandit Feedback
- Authors: Romain Lopez and Inderjit S. Dhillon and Michael I. Jordan
- Abstract summary: We study the problem of batch learning from bandit feedback in the setting of extremely large action spaces.
In this paper, we introduce a selective importance sampling estimator (sIS) that operates in a significantly more favorable bias-variance regime.
We employ this estimator in a novel algorithmic procedure -- named Policy Optimization for eXtreme Models (POXM) -- for learning from bandit feedback on XMC tasks.
- Score: 105.0383130431503
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study the problem of batch learning from bandit feedback in the setting of
extremely large action spaces. Learning from extreme bandit feedback is
ubiquitous in recommendation systems, in which billions of decisions are made
over sets consisting of millions of choices in a single day, yielding massive
observational data. In these large-scale real-world applications, supervised
learning frameworks such as eXtreme Multi-label Classification (XMC) are widely
used despite the fact that they incur significant biases due to the mismatch
between bandit feedback and supervised labels. Such biases can be mitigated by
importance sampling techniques, but these techniques suffer from impractical
variance when dealing with a large number of actions. In this paper, we
introduce a selective importance sampling estimator (sIS) that operates in a
significantly more favorable bias-variance regime. The sIS estimator is
obtained by performing importance sampling on the conditional expectation of
the reward with respect to a small subset of actions for each instance (a form
of Rao-Blackwellization). We employ this estimator in a novel algorithmic
procedure -- named Policy Optimization for eXtreme Models (POXM) -- for
learning from bandit feedback on XMC tasks. In POXM, the selected actions for
the sIS estimator are the top-p actions of the logging policy, where p is
adjusted from the data and is significantly smaller than the size of the action
space. We use a supervised-to-bandit conversion on three XMC datasets to
benchmark our POXM method against three competing methods: BanditNet, a
previously applied partial matching pruning strategy, and a supervised learning
baseline. Whereas BanditNet sometimes improves marginally over the logging
policy, our experiments show that POXM systematically and significantly
improves over all baselines.
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