Abductive Knowledge Induction From Raw Data
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.03514v2
- Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 12:45:50 GMT
- Title: Abductive Knowledge Induction From Raw Data
- Authors: Wang-Zhou Dai, Stephen H. Muggleton
- Abstract summary: We present Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning ($Meta_Abd$) that unites abduction and induction to learn neural networks and induce logic theories jointly from raw data.
Experimental results demonstrate that $Meta_Abd$ not only outperforms the compared systems in predictive accuracy and data efficiency.
- Score: 12.868722327487752
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: For many reasoning-heavy tasks involving raw inputs, it is challenging to
design an appropriate end-to-end learning pipeline. Neuro-Symbolic Learning,
divide the process into sub-symbolic perception and symbolic reasoning, trying
to utilise data-driven machine learning and knowledge-driven reasoning
simultaneously. However, they suffer from the exponential computational
complexity within the interface between these two components, where the
sub-symbolic learning model lacks direct supervision, and the symbolic model
lacks accurate input facts. Hence, most of them assume the existence of a
strong symbolic knowledge base and only learn the perception model while
avoiding a crucial problem: where does the knowledge come from? In this paper,
we present Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning ($Meta_{Abd}$) that unites
abduction and induction to learn neural networks and induce logic theories
jointly from raw data. Experimental results demonstrate that $Meta_{Abd}$ not
only outperforms the compared systems in predictive accuracy and data
efficiency but also induces logic programs that can be re-used as background
knowledge in subsequent learning tasks. To the best of our knowledge,
$Meta_{Abd}$ is the first system that can jointly learn neural networks from
scratch and induce recursive first-order logic theories with predicate
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