K-GRAPE: A Krylov Subspace approach for the efficient control of quantum
many-body dynamics
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.03598v1
- Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 18:31:22 GMT
- Title: K-GRAPE: A Krylov Subspace approach for the efficient control of quantum
many-body dynamics
- Authors: Martin Larocca and Diego Wisniacki
- Abstract summary: We propose a modified version of GRAPE that uses Krylov approximations to deal efficiently with high-dimensional state spaces.
Since the elementary effort of GRAPE is super-quadratic, this speed up allows us to reach dimensions far beyond.
The performance of the K-GRAPE algorithm is benchmarked in the paradigmatic XXZ spin-chain model.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The Gradient Ascent Pulse Engineering (GRAPE) is a celebrated control
algorithm with excellent converging rates, owing to a piece-wise-constant
ansatz for the control function that allows for cheap objective gradients.
However, the computational effort involved in the exact simulation of quantum
dynamics quickly becomes a bottleneck limiting the control of large systems. In
this paper, we propose a modified version of GRAPE that uses Krylov
approximations to deal efficiently with high-dimensional state spaces. Even
though the number of parameters required by an arbitrary control task scales
linearly with the dimension of the system, we find a constant elementary
computational effort (the effort per parameter). Since the elementary effort of
GRAPE is super-quadratic, this speed up allows us to reach dimensions far
beyond. The performance of the K-GRAPE algorithm is benchmarked in the
paradigmatic XXZ spin-chain model.
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