Why Are Convolutional Nets More Sample-Efficient than Fully-Connected
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.08515v2
- Date: Tue, 4 May 2021 17:54:15 GMT
- Title: Why Are Convolutional Nets More Sample-Efficient than Fully-Connected
- Authors: Zhiyuan Li, Yi Zhang, Sanjeev Arora
- Abstract summary: We show a natural task on which a provable sample complexity gap can be shown, for standard training algorithms.
We demonstrate a single target function, learning which on all possible distributions leads to an $O(1)$ vs $Omega(d2/varepsilon)$ gap.
Similar results are achieved for $ell$ regression and adaptive training algorithms, e.g. Adam and AdaGrad.
- Score: 33.51250867983687
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Convolutional neural networks often dominate fully-connected counterparts in
generalization performance, especially on image classification tasks. This is
often explained in terms of 'better inductive bias'. However, this has not been
made mathematically rigorous, and the hurdle is that the fully connected net
can always simulate the convolutional net (for a fixed task). Thus the training
algorithm plays a role. The current work describes a natural task on which a
provable sample complexity gap can be shown, for standard training algorithms.
We construct a single natural distribution on $\mathbb{R}^d\times\{\pm 1\}$ on
which any orthogonal-invariant algorithm (i.e. fully-connected networks trained
with most gradient-based methods from gaussian initialization) requires
$\Omega(d^2)$ samples to generalize while $O(1)$ samples suffice for
convolutional architectures. Furthermore, we demonstrate a single target
function, learning which on all possible distributions leads to an $O(1)$ vs
$\Omega(d^2/\varepsilon)$ gap. The proof relies on the fact that SGD on
fully-connected network is orthogonal equivariant. Similar results are achieved
for $\ell_2$ regression and adaptive training algorithms, e.g. Adam and
AdaGrad, which are only permutation equivariant.
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