Approximate information state for approximate planning and reinforcement
learning in partially observed systems
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- Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2021 18:54:23 GMT
- Title: Approximate information state for approximate planning and reinforcement
learning in partially observed systems
- Authors: Jayakumar Subramanian, Amit Sinha, Raihan Seraj and Aditya Mahajan
- Abstract summary: We show that if a function of the history (called approximate information state (AIS)) approximately satisfies the properties of the information state, then there is a corresponding approximate dynamic program.
We show that several approximations in state, observation and action spaces in literature can be viewed as instances of AIS.
A salient feature of AIS is that it can be learnt from data.
- Score: 0.7646713951724009
- License:
- Abstract: We propose a theoretical framework for approximate planning and learning in
partially observed systems. Our framework is based on the fundamental notion of
information state. We provide two equivalent definitions of information state
-- i) a function of history which is sufficient to compute the expected reward
and predict its next value; ii) equivalently, a function of the history which
can be recursively updated and is sufficient to compute the expected reward and
predict the next observation. An information state always leads to a dynamic
programming decomposition. Our key result is to show that if a function of the
history (called approximate information state (AIS)) approximately satisfies
the properties of the information state, then there is a corresponding
approximate dynamic program. We show that the policy computed using this is
approximately optimal with bounded loss of optimality. We show that several
approximations in state, observation and action spaces in literature can be
viewed as instances of AIS. In some of these cases, we obtain tighter bounds. A
salient feature of AIS is that it can be learnt from data. We present AIS based
multi-time scale policy gradient algorithms. and detailed numerical experiments
with low, moderate and high dimensional environments.
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