Optimistic search strategy: Change point detection for large-scale data
via adaptive logarithmic queries
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.10194v2
- Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 23:50:55 GMT
- Title: Optimistic search strategy: Change point detection for large-scale data
via adaptive logarithmic queries
- Authors: Solt Kov\'acs, Housen Li, Lorenz Haubner, Axel Munk, Peter B\"uhlmann
- Abstract summary: Change point detection is often formulated as a search for the maximum of a gain function describing improved fits when segmenting the data.
We propose optimistic search strategies with $O(log T)$ exploiting specific structure of the gain function.
- Score: 1.3212010735248336
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: As a classical and ever reviving topic, change point detection is often
formulated as a search for the maximum of a gain function describing improved
fits when segmenting the data. Searching through all candidate split points on
the grid for finding the best one requires $O(T)$ evaluations of the gain
function for an interval with $T$ observations. If each evaluation is
computationally demanding (e.g. in high-dimensional models), this can become
infeasible. Instead, we propose optimistic search strategies with $O(\log T)$
evaluations exploiting specific structure of the gain function.
Towards solid understanding of our strategies, we investigate in detail the
classical univariate Gaussian change in mean setup. For some of our proposals
we prove asymptotic minimax optimality for single and multiple change point
scenarios. Our search strategies generalize far beyond the theoretically
analyzed univariate setup. We illustrate, as an example, massive computational
speedup in change point detection for high-dimensional Gaussian graphical
models. More generally, we demonstrate empirically that our optimistic search
methods lead to competitive estimation performance while heavily reducing
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