Contextualized Word Embeddings Encode Aspects of Human-Like Word Sense
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- Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 07:56:52 GMT
- Title: Contextualized Word Embeddings Encode Aspects of Human-Like Word Sense
- Authors: Sathvik Nair, Mahesh Srinivasan, Stephan Meylan
- Abstract summary: We investigate whether recent advances in NLP, specifically contextualized word embeddings, capture human-like distinctions between English word senses.
We find that participants' judgments of the relatedness between senses are correlated with distances between senses in the BERT embedding space.
Our findings point towards the potential utility of continuous-space representations of sense meanings.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Understanding context-dependent variation in word meanings is a key aspect of
human language comprehension supported by the lexicon. Lexicographic resources
(e.g., WordNet) capture only some of this context-dependent variation; for
example, they often do not encode how closely senses, or discretized word
meanings, are related to one another. Our work investigates whether recent
advances in NLP, specifically contextualized word embeddings, capture
human-like distinctions between English word senses, such as polysemy and
homonymy. We collect data from a behavioral, web-based experiment, in which
participants provide judgments of the relatedness of multiple WordNet senses of
a word in a two-dimensional spatial arrangement task. We find that
participants' judgments of the relatedness between senses are correlated with
distances between senses in the BERT embedding space. Homonymous senses (e.g.,
bat as mammal vs. bat as sports equipment) are reliably more distant from one
another in the embedding space than polysemous ones (e.g., chicken as animal
vs. chicken as meat). Our findings point towards the potential utility of
continuous-space representations of sense meanings.
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