Beyond cross-entropy: learning highly separable feature distributions
for robust and accurate classification
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- Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 11:15:17 GMT
- Title: Beyond cross-entropy: learning highly separable feature distributions
for robust and accurate classification
- Authors: Arslan Ali, Andrea Migliorati, Tiziano Bianchi, Enrico Magli
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel approach for training deep robust multiclass classifiers that provides adversarial robustness.
We show that the regularization of the latent space based on our approach yields excellent classification accuracy.
- Score: 22.806324361016863
- License:
- Abstract: Deep learning has shown outstanding performance in several applications
including image classification. However, deep classifiers are known to be
highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in that a minor perturbation of the
input can easily lead to an error. Providing robustness to adversarial attacks
is a very challenging task especially in problems involving a large number of
classes, as it typically comes at the expense of an accuracy decrease. In this
work, we propose the Gaussian class-conditional simplex (GCCS) loss: a novel
approach for training deep robust multiclass classifiers that provides
adversarial robustness while at the same time achieving or even surpassing the
classification accuracy of state-of-the-art methods. Differently from other
frameworks, the proposed method learns a mapping of the input classes onto
target distributions in a latent space such that the classes are linearly
separable. Instead of maximizing the likelihood of target labels for individual
samples, our objective function pushes the network to produce feature
distributions yielding high inter-class separation. The mean values of the
distributions are centered on the vertices of a simplex such that each class is
at the same distance from every other class. We show that the regularization of
the latent space based on our approach yields excellent classification accuracy
and inherently provides robustness to multiple adversarial attacks, both
targeted and untargeted, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches over
challenging datasets.
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