Decentralized Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Navigation using Deep
Reinforcement Learning
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:19:32 GMT
- Title: Decentralized Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Navigation using Deep
Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Sivanathan Kandhasamy, Vinayagam Babu Kuppusamy, Tanmay Vilas Samak,
Chinmay Vilas Samak
- Abstract summary: This work presents a decentralized motion planning framework for addressing the task of multi-robot navigation using deep reinforcement learning.
The notion of decentralized motion planning with common and shared policy learning was adopted, which allowed robust training and testing of this approach.
- Score: 0.41998444721319217
- License:
- Abstract: This work presents a decentralized motion planning framework for addressing
the task of multi-robot navigation using deep reinforcement learning. A custom
simulator was developed in order to experimentally investigate the navigation
problem of 4 cooperative non-holonomic robots sharing limited state information
with each other in 3 different settings. The notion of decentralized motion
planning with common and shared policy learning was adopted, which allowed
robust training and testing of this approach in a stochastic environment since
the agents were mutually independent and exhibited asynchronous motion
behavior. The task was further aggravated by providing the agents with a sparse
observation space and requiring them to generate continuous action commands so
as to efficiently, yet safely navigate to their respective goal locations,
while avoiding collisions with other dynamic peers and static obstacles at all
times. The experimental results are reported in terms of quantitative measures
and qualitative remarks for both training and deployment phases.
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