Leveraged Matrix Completion with Noise
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.05885v2
- Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 10:15:17 GMT
- Title: Leveraged Matrix Completion with Noise
- Authors: Xinjian Huang and Weiwei Liu and Bo Du and Dacheng Tao
- Abstract summary: We show that we can provably recover an unknown $ntimes n$ matrix of rank $r$ from just about $mathcalO(nrlog2 (n))$ entries.
Our proofs are supported by a novel approach that phrases sufficient optimality conditions based on the Golfing Scheme.
- Score: 84.20092979053119
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Completing low-rank matrices from subsampled measurements has received much
attention in the past decade. Existing works indicate that
$\mathcal{O}(nr\log^2(n))$ datums are required to theoretically secure the
completion of an $n \times n$ noisy matrix of rank $r$ with high probability,
under some quite restrictive assumptions: (1) the underlying matrix must be
incoherent; (2) observations follow the uniform distribution. The
restrictiveness is partially due to ignoring the roles of the leverage score
and the oracle information of each element. In this paper, we employ the
leverage scores to characterize the importance of each element and
significantly relax assumptions to: (1) not any other structure assumptions are
imposed on the underlying low-rank matrix; (2) elements being observed are
appropriately dependent on their importance via the leverage score. Under these
assumptions, instead of uniform sampling, we devise an ununiform/biased
sampling procedure that can reveal the ``importance'' of each observed element.
Our proofs are supported by a novel approach that phrases sufficient optimality
conditions based on the Golfing Scheme, which would be of independent interest
to the wider areas. Theoretical findings show that we can provably recover an
unknown $n\times n$ matrix of rank $r$ from just about $\mathcal{O}(nr\log^2
(n))$ entries, even when the observed entries are corrupted with a small amount
of noisy information. The empirical results align precisely with our theories.
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