Using ontology embeddings for structural inductive bias in gene
expression data analysis
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 12:13:29 GMT
- Title: Using ontology embeddings for structural inductive bias in gene
expression data analysis
- Authors: Maja Tr\k{e}bacz, Zohreh Shams, Mateja Jamnik, Paul Scherer, Nikola
Simidjievski, Helena Andres Terre, Pietro Li\`o
- Abstract summary: Stratifying cancer patients based on their gene expression levels allows improving diagnosis, survival analysis and treatment planning.
We propose to incorporate biological knowledge about genes into the machine learning system for the task of patient classification given their gene expression data.
- Score: 6.587739898387445
- License:
- Abstract: Stratifying cancer patients based on their gene expression levels allows
improving diagnosis, survival analysis and treatment planning. However, such
data is extremely highly dimensional as it contains expression values for over
20000 genes per patient, and the number of samples in the datasets is low. To
deal with such settings, we propose to incorporate prior biological knowledge
about genes from ontologies into the machine learning system for the task of
patient classification given their gene expression data. We use ontology
embeddings that capture the semantic similarities between the genes to direct a
Graph Convolutional Network, and therefore sparsify the network connections. We
show this approach provides an advantage for predicting clinical targets from
high-dimensional low-sample data.
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