On the emergence of tetrahedral symmetry in the final and penultimate
layers of neural network classifiers
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.05420v2
- Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 17:22:05 GMT
- Title: On the emergence of tetrahedral symmetry in the final and penultimate
layers of neural network classifiers
- Authors: Weinan E and Stephan Wojtowytsch
- Abstract summary: We show that even the final output of the classifier $h$ is not uniform over data samples from a class $C_i$ if $h$ is a shallow network.
We explain this observation analytically in toy models for highly expressive deep neural networks.
- Score: 9.975163460952045
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A recent numerical study observed that neural network classifiers enjoy a
large degree of symmetry in the penultimate layer. Namely, if $h(x) = Af(x) +b$
where $A$ is a linear map and $f$ is the output of the penultimate layer of the
network (after activation), then all data points $x_{i, 1}, \dots, x_{i, N_i}$
in a class $C_i$ are mapped to a single point $y_i$ by $f$ and the points $y_i$
are located at the vertices of a regular $k-1$-dimensional tetrahedron in a
high-dimensional Euclidean space.
We explain this observation analytically in toy models for highly expressive
deep neural networks. In complementary examples, we demonstrate rigorously that
even the final output of the classifier $h$ is not uniform over data samples
from a class $C_i$ if $h$ is a shallow network (or if the deeper layers do not
bring the data samples into a convenient geometric configuration).
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