Efficient Verification of Anticoncentrated Quantum States
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08463v1
- Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:01:11 GMT
- Title: Efficient Verification of Anticoncentrated Quantum States
- Authors: Ryan S. Bennink
- Abstract summary: I present a novel method for estimating the fidelity $F(mu,tau)$ between a preparable quantum state $mu$ and a classically specified target state $tau$.
I also present a more sophisticated version of the method, which uses any efficiently preparable and well-characterized quantum state as an importance sampler.
- Score: 0.38073142980733
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A promising use of quantum computers is to prepare quantum states that model
complex domains, such as correlated electron wavefunctions or the underlying
distribution of a complex dataset. Such states need to be verified in view of
algorithmic approximations and device imperfections. As quantum computers grow
in size, however, verifying the states they produce becomes increasingly
problematic. Relatively efficient methods have been devised for verifying
sparse quantum states, but dense quantum states have remained costly to verify.
Here I present a novel method for estimating the fidelity $F(\mu,\tau)$ between
a preparable quantum state $\mu$ and a classically specified target state
$\tau$, using simple quantum circuits and on-the-fly classical calculation (or
lookup) of selected amplitudes of $\tau$. Notably, in the targeted regime the
method demonstrates an exponential quantum advantage in sample efficiency over
any classical method. The simplest version of the method is efficient for
anticoncentrated quantum states (including many states that are hard to
simulate classically), with a sample cost of approximately
$4\epsilon^{-2}(1-F)dp_{\text{coll}}$ where $\epsilon$ is the desired precision
of the estimate, $d$ is the dimension of the Hilbert space in which $\mu$ and
$\tau$ reside, and $p_{\text{coll}}$ is the collision probability of the target
distribution. I also present a more sophisticated version of the method, which
uses any efficiently preparable and well-characterized quantum state as an
importance sampler to further reduce the number of copies of $\mu$ needed.
Though some challenges remain, this work takes a significant step toward
scalable verification of complex states produced by quantum processors.
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