Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control with Posterior
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- Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 20:29:49 GMT
- Title: Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control with Posterior
- Authors: Ying Fan, Yifei Ming
- Abstract summary: We study model-based posterior sampling for reinforcement learning (PSRL) in continuous state-action spaces.
We present MPC-PSRL, a model-based posterior sampling algorithm with model predictive control for action selection.
- Score: 10.91557009257615
- License:
- Abstract: Balancing exploration and exploitation is crucial in reinforcement learning
(RL). In this paper, we study model-based posterior sampling for reinforcement
learning (PSRL) in continuous state-action spaces theoretically and
empirically. First, we show the first regret bound of PSRL in continuous spaces
which is polynomial in the episode length to the best of our knowledge. With
the assumption that reward and transition functions can be modeled by Bayesian
linear regression, we develop a regret bound of $\tilde{O}(H^{3/2}d\sqrt{T})$,
where $H$ is the episode length, $d$ is the dimension of the state-action
space, and $T$ indicates the total time steps. This result matches the
best-known regret bound of non-PSRL methods in linear MDPs. Our bound can be
extended to nonlinear cases as well with feature embedding: using linear
kernels on the feature representation $\phi$, the regret bound becomes
$\tilde{O}(H^{3/2}d_{\phi}\sqrt{T})$, where $d_\phi$ is the dimension of the
representation space. Moreover, we present MPC-PSRL, a model-based posterior
sampling algorithm with model predictive control for action selection. To
capture the uncertainty in models, we use Bayesian linear regression on the
penultimate layer (the feature representation layer $\phi$) of neural networks.
Empirical results show that our algorithm achieves the state-of-the-art sample
efficiency in benchmark continuous control tasks compared to prior model-based
algorithms, and matches the asymptotic performance of model-free algorithms.
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