Boundary Conditions for Linear Exit Time Gradient Trajectories Around
Saddle Points: Analysis and Algorithm
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- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 16:59:15 GMT
- Title: Boundary Conditions for Linear Exit Time Gradient Trajectories Around
Saddle Points: Analysis and Algorithm
- Authors: Rishabh Dixit and Waheed U. Bajwa
- Abstract summary: An understanding of multiple objective functions in a landscape of strict-saddle points is presented.
An analysis of the neighborhoods convergence to a local landscape that has a maximum of strict-saddle points is also presented.
- Score: 9.69596041242667
- License:
- Abstract: Gradient-related first-order methods have become the workhorse of large-scale
numerical optimization problems. Many of these problems involve nonconvex
objective functions with multiple saddle points, which necessitates an
understanding of the behavior of discrete trajectories of first-order methods
within the geometrical landscape of these functions. This paper concerns
convergence of first-order discrete methods to a local minimum of nonconvex
optimization problems that comprise strict saddle points within the geometrical
landscape. To this end, it focuses on analysis of discrete gradient
trajectories around saddle neighborhoods, derives sufficient conditions under
which these trajectories can escape strict-saddle neighborhoods in linear time,
explores the contractive and expansive dynamics of these trajectories in
neighborhoods of strict-saddle points that are characterized by gradients of
moderate magnitude, characterizes the non-curving nature of these trajectories,
and highlights the inability of these trajectories to re-enter the
neighborhoods around strict-saddle points after exiting them. Based on these
insights and analyses, the paper then proposes a simple variant of the vanilla
gradient descent algorithm, termed Curvature Conditioned Regularized Gradient
Descent (CCRGD) algorithm, which utilizes a check for an initial boundary
condition to ensure its trajectories can escape strict-saddle neighborhoods in
linear time. Convergence analysis of the CCRGD algorithm, which includes its
rate of convergence to a local minimum within a geometrical landscape that has
a maximum number of strict-saddle points, is also presented in the paper.
Numerical experiments are then provided on a test function as well as a
low-rank matrix factorization problem to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed
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