Evaluating Online and Offline Accuracy Traversal Algorithms for
k-Complete Neural Network Architectures
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.06518v1
- Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 20:37:29 GMT
- Title: Evaluating Online and Offline Accuracy Traversal Algorithms for
k-Complete Neural Network Architectures
- Authors: Yigit Alparslan, Ethan Jacob Moyer, Edward Kim
- Abstract summary: In this paper, we study compact neural network architectures for binary classification.
We investigate improvements in speed and accuracy when favoring overcomplete architecture candidates.
- Score: 6.123324869194195
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Architecture sizes for neural networks have been studied widely and several
search methods have been offered to find the best architecture size in the
shortest amount of time possible. In this paper, we study compact neural
network architectures for binary classification and investigate improvements in
speed and accuracy when favoring overcomplete architecture candidates that have
a very high-dimensional representation of the input. We hypothesize that an
overcomplete model architecture that creates a relatively high-dimensional
representation of the input will be not only be more accurate but would also be
easier and faster to find. In an NxM search space, we propose an online
traversal algorithm that finds the best architecture candidate in O(1) time for
best case and O(N) amortized time for average case for any compact binary
classification problem by using k-completeness as heuristics in our search. The
two other offline search algorithms we implement are brute force traversal and
diagonal traversal, which both find the best architecture candidate in O(NxM)
time. We compare our new algorithm to brute force and diagonal searching as a
baseline and report search time improvement of 52.1% over brute force and of
15.4% over diagonal search to find the most accurate neural network
architecture when given the same dataset. In all cases discussed in the paper,
our online traversal algorithm can find an accurate, if not better,
architecture in significantly shorter amount of time.
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