Opportunities for long-range magnon-mediated entanglement of spin qubits
via on- and off-resonant coupling
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09220v2
- Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2021 21:36:51 GMT
- Title: Opportunities for long-range magnon-mediated entanglement of spin qubits
via on- and off-resonant coupling
- Authors: Masaya Fukami, Denis R. Candido, David D. Awschalom, Michael E.
- Abstract summary: We predict strong long-distance NV-NV coupling via magnon modes with cooperativities exceeding unity in ferromagnetic bar and waveguide structures.
This work will guide future experiments that aim to entangle spin qubits in solids with magnon excitations.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The ability to manipulate entanglement between multiple spatially-separated
qubits is essential for quantum information processing. Although
nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond provide a promising qubit platform,
developing scalable two-qubit gates remains a well-known challenge. To this
end, magnon-mediated entanglement proposals have attracted attention due to
their long-range spin-coherent propagation. Optimal device geometries and gate
protocols of such schemes, however, have yet to be determined. Here we predict
strong long-distance ($>\mu$m) NV-NV coupling via magnon modes with
cooperativities exceeding unity in ferromagnetic bar and waveguide structures.
Moreover, we explore and compare on-resonant transduction and off-resonant
virtual-magnon exchange protocols, and discuss their suitability for generating
or manipulating entangled states at low temperatures ($T\lesssim 150$ mK) under
realistic experimental conditions. This work will guide future experiments that
aim to entangle spin qubits in solids with magnon excitations.
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