Deformed Morse-like potential
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- Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2021 01:36:56 GMT
- Title: Deformed Morse-like potential
- Authors: I. A. Assi, A. D. Alhaidari and H. Bahlouli
- Abstract summary: We introduce an exactly solvable one-dimensional potential that supports both bound and/or resonance states.
The latter potential supports infinite spectrum which means that our system will transition from the finite spectrum limit to the infinite spectrum limit.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We introduce an exactly solvable one-dimensional potential that supports both
bound and/or resonance states. This potential is a generalization of the
well-known 1D Morse potential where we introduced a deformation that preserves
the finite spectrum property. On the other hand, in the limit of zero
deformation, the potential reduces to the exponentially confining potential
well introduced recently by A. D. Alhaidari. The latter potential supports
infinite spectrum which means that the zero deformation limit is a critical
point where our system will transition from the finite spectrum limit to the
infinite spectrum limit. We solve the corresponding Schrodinger equation and
obtain the energy spectrum and the eigenstates using the tridiagonal
representation approach.
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