Online Learning with Simple Predictors and a Combinatorial
Characterization of Minimax in 0/1 Games
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 18:02:01 GMT
- Title: Online Learning with Simple Predictors and a Combinatorial
Characterization of Minimax in 0/1 Games
- Authors: Steve Hanneke, Roi Livni, and Shay Moran
- Abstract summary: We show how to always achieve nearly optimal mistake/regret bounds using "simple" predictors.
A technical ingredient of our proof is a generalization of the celebrated Minimax Theorem for binary zero-sum games.
- Score: 38.15628332832227
- License:
- Abstract: Which classes can be learned properly in the online model? -- that is, by an
algorithm that at each round uses a predictor from the concept class. While
there are simple and natural cases where improper learning is necessary, it is
natural to ask how complex must the improper predictors be in such cases. Can
one always achieve nearly optimal mistake/regret bounds using "simple"
In this work, we give a complete characterization of when this is possible,
thus settling an open problem which has been studied since the pioneering works
of Angluin (1987) and Littlestone (1988). More precisely, given any concept
class C and any hypothesis class H, we provide nearly tight bounds (up to a log
factor) on the optimal mistake bounds for online learning C using predictors
from H. Our bound yields an exponential improvement over the previously best
known bound by Chase and Freitag (2020).
As applications, we give constructive proofs showing that (i) in the
realizable setting, a near-optimal mistake bound (up to a constant factor) can
be attained by a sparse majority-vote of proper predictors, and (ii) in the
agnostic setting, a near-optimal regret bound (up to a log factor) can be
attained by a randomized proper algorithm.
A technical ingredient of our proof which may be of independent interest is a
generalization of the celebrated Minimax Theorem (von Neumann, 1928) for binary
zero-sum games. A simple game which fails to satisfy Minimax is "Guess the
Larger Number", where each player picks a number and the larger number wins.
The payoff matrix is infinite triangular. We show this is the only obstruction:
if a game does not contain triangular submatrices of unbounded sizes then the
Minimax Theorem holds. This generalizes von Neumann's Minimax Theorem by
removing requirements of finiteness (or compactness), and captures precisely
the games of interest in online learning.
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