Relativistic causality in particle detector models: Faster-than-light
signalling and "Impossible measurements"
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- Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 15:40:49 GMT
- Title: Relativistic causality in particle detector models: Faster-than-light
signalling and "Impossible measurements"
- Authors: Jos\'e de Ram\'on, Maria Papageorgiou and Eduardo Mart\'in-Mart\'inez
- Abstract summary: We study the relation between faster-than-light signaling and the causal factorization of the dynamics for multiple detector-field interactions.
We show in what way spatially extended non-relativistic detector models predict superluminal propagation of the field's initial conditions.
We discuss the validity of measurements in QFT when performed with non-relativistic particle detectors.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We analyze potential violations of causality in Unruh DeWitt-type detector
models in relativistic quantum information. We proceed by first studying the
relation between faster-than-light signaling and the causal factorization of
the dynamics for multiple detector-field interactions. We show in what way
spatially extended non-relativistic detector models predict superluminal
propagation of the field's initial conditions. We draw parallels between this
characteristic of detector models, stemming from their non-relativistic
dynamics, and Sorkin's "impossible measurements on quantum fields"
arXiv:gr-qc/9302018. Based on these features, we discuss the validity of
measurements in QFT when performed with non-relativistic particle detectors.
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