Correlated Bandits for Dynamic Pricing via the ARC algorithm
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 14:54:26 GMT
- Title: Correlated Bandits for Dynamic Pricing via the ARC algorithm
- Authors: Samuel Cohen and Tanut Treetanthiploet
- Abstract summary: Asymptotic Randomised Control provides a rigorous approximation to the optimal strategy for a wide class of Bayesian bandits.
It allows a decision maker to observe signals in addition to their rewards, to incorporate correlations between the outcomes of different choices, and to have nontrivial dynamics for their estimates.
- Score: 2.7564955518050693
- License:
- Abstract: The Asymptotic Randomised Control (ARC) algorithm provides a rigorous
approximation to the optimal strategy for a wide class of Bayesian bandits,
while retaining reasonable computational complexity. In particular, it allows a
decision maker to observe signals in addition to their rewards, to incorporate
correlations between the outcomes of different choices, and to have nontrivial
dynamics for their estimates. The algorithm is guaranteed to asymptotically
optimise the expected discounted payoff, with error depending on the initial
uncertainty of the bandit. In this paper, we consider a batched bandit problem
where observations arrive from a generalised linear model; we extend the ARC
algorithm to this setting. We apply this to a classic dynamic pricing problem
based on a Bayesian hierarchical model and demonstrate that the ARC algorithm
outperforms alternative approaches.
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