Optimizing Electronic Structure Simulations on a Trapped-ion Quantum
Computer using Problem Decomposition
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2102.07045v3
- Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 05:39:49 GMT
- Title: Optimizing Electronic Structure Simulations on a Trapped-ion Quantum
Computer using Problem Decomposition
- Authors: Yukio Kawashima, Erika Lloyd, Marc P. Coons, Yunseong Nam, Shunji
Matsuura, Alejandro J. Garza, Sonika Johri, Lee Huntington, Valentin
Senicourt, Andrii O. Maksymov, Jason H. V. Nguyen, Jungsang Kim, Nima
Alidoust, Arman Zaribafiyan, Takeshi Yamazaki
- Abstract summary: We experimentally demonstrate an end-to-end pipeline that focuses on minimizing quantum resources while maintaining accuracy.
Using density matrix embedding theory as a problem decomposition technique, and an ion-trap quantum computer, we simulate a ring of 10 hydrogen atoms without freezing any electrons.
Our experimental results are an early demonstration of the potential for problem decomposition to accurately simulate large molecules on quantum hardware.
- Score: 41.760443413408915
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Quantum computers have the potential to advance material design and drug
discovery by performing costly electronic structure calculations. A critical
aspect of this application requires optimizing the limited resources of the
quantum hardware. Here, we experimentally demonstrate an end-to-end pipeline
that focuses on minimizing quantum resources while maintaining accuracy. Using
density matrix embedding theory as a problem decomposition technique, and an
ion-trap quantum computer, we simulate a ring of 10 hydrogen atoms without
freezing any electrons. The originally 20-qubit system is decomposed into 10
two-qubit problems, making it amenable to currently available hardware.
Combining this decomposition with a qubit coupled cluster circuit ansatz,
circuit optimization, and density matrix purification, we accurately reproduce
the potential energy curve in agreement with the full configuration interaction
energy in the minimal basis set. Our experimental results are an early
demonstration of the potential for problem decomposition to accurately simulate
large molecules on quantum hardware.
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