Dealing with Non-Stationarity in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via
Trust Region Decomposition
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2021 14:46:50 GMT
- Title: Dealing with Non-Stationarity in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via
Trust Region Decomposition
- Authors: Wenhao Li, Xiangfeng Wang, Bo Jin, Junjie Sheng, Hongyuan Zha
- Abstract summary: Non-stationarity is one thorny issue in multi-agent reinforcement learning.
We introduce a $delta$-stationarity measurement to explicitly model the stationarity of a policy sequence.
We propose a trust region decomposition network based on message passing to estimate the joint policy divergence.
- Score: 52.06086375833474
- License:
- Abstract: Non-stationarity is one thorny issue in multi-agent reinforcement learning,
which is caused by the policy changes of agents during the learning procedure.
Current works to solve this problem have their own limitations in effectiveness
and scalability, such as centralized critic and decentralized actor (CCDA),
population-based self-play, modeling of others and etc. In this paper, we
novelly introduce a $\delta$-stationarity measurement to explicitly model the
stationarity of a policy sequence, which is theoretically proved to be
proportional to the joint policy divergence. However, simple policy
factorization like mean-field approximation will mislead to larger policy
divergence, which can be considered as trust region decomposition dilemma. We
model the joint policy as a general Markov random field and propose a trust
region decomposition network based on message passing to estimate the joint
policy divergence more accurately. The Multi-Agent Mirror descent policy
algorithm with Trust region decomposition, called MAMT, is established with the
purpose to satisfy $\delta$-stationarity. MAMT can adjust the trust region of
the local policies adaptively in an end-to-end manner, thereby approximately
constraining the divergence of joint policy to alleviate the non-stationary
problem. Our method can bring noticeable and stable performance improvement
compared with baselines in coordination tasks of different complexity.
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