Communication Efficient Parallel Reinforcement Learning
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- Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 02:46:36 GMT
- Title: Communication Efficient Parallel Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Mridul Agarwal, Bhargav Ganguly, Vaneet Aggarwal
- Abstract summary: We consider the problem where $M$ agents interact with $M$ identical and independent environments with $S$ states and $A$ actions.
We aim to find an algorithm that allows the agents to minimize the regret with infrequent communication rounds.
- Score: 34.77250498401055
- License:
- Abstract: We consider the problem where $M$ agents interact with $M$ identical and
independent environments with $S$ states and $A$ actions using reinforcement
learning for $T$ rounds. The agents share their data with a central server to
minimize their regret. We aim to find an algorithm that allows the agents to
minimize the regret with infrequent communication rounds. We provide \NAM\
which runs at each agent and prove that the total cumulative regret of $M$
agents is upper bounded as $\Tilde{O}(DS\sqrt{MAT})$ for a Markov Decision
Process with diameter $D$, number of states $S$, and number of actions $A$. The
agents synchronize after their visitations to any state-action pair exceeds a
certain threshold. Using this, we obtain a bound of $O\left(MSA\log(MT)\right)$
on the total number of communications rounds. Finally, we evaluate the
algorithm against multiple environments and demonstrate that the proposed
algorithm performs at par with an always communication version of the UCRL2
algorithm, while with significantly lower communication.
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