Hyperparameter Transfer Learning with Adaptive Complexity
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2102.12810v1
- Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 12:26:52 GMT
- Title: Hyperparameter Transfer Learning with Adaptive Complexity
- Authors: Samuel Horv\'ath, Aaron Klein, Peter Richt\'arik, C\'edric Archambeau
- Abstract summary: We propose a new multi-task BO method that learns a set of ordered, non-linear basis functions of increasing complexity via nested drop-out and automatic relevance determination.
- Score: 5.695163312473305
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Bayesian optimization (BO) is a sample efficient approach to automatically
tune the hyperparameters of machine learning models. In practice, one
frequently has to solve similar hyperparameter tuning problems sequentially.
For example, one might have to tune a type of neural network learned across a
series of different classification problems. Recent work on multi-task BO
exploits knowledge gained from previous tuning tasks to speed up a new tuning
task. However, previous approaches do not account for the fact that BO is a
sequential decision making procedure. Hence, there is in general a mismatch
between the number of evaluations collected in the current tuning task compared
to the number of evaluations accumulated in all previously completed tasks. In
this work, we enable multi-task BO to compensate for this mismatch, such that
the transfer learning procedure is able to handle different data regimes in a
principled way. We propose a new multi-task BO method that learns a set of
ordered, non-linear basis functions of increasing complexity via nested
drop-out and automatic relevance determination. Experiments on a variety of
hyperparameter tuning problems show that our method improves the sample ef
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