Scalable Scene Flow from Point Clouds in the Real World
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- Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 20:06:15 GMT
- Title: Scalable Scene Flow from Point Clouds in the Real World
- Authors: Philipp Jund, Chris Sweeney, Nichola Abdo, Zhifeng Chen, Jonathon
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new large scale benchmark for scene flow based on the Open dataset.
We show how previous works were bounded based on the amount of real LiDAR data available.
We introduce the model architecture FastFlow3D that provides real time inference on the full point cloud.
- Score: 30.437100097997245
- License:
- Abstract: Autonomous vehicles operate in highly dynamic environments necessitating an
accurate assessment of which aspects of a scene are moving and where they are
moving to. A popular approach to 3D motion estimation -- termed scene flow --
is to employ 3D point cloud data from consecutive LiDAR scans, although such
approaches have been limited by the small size of real-world, annotated LiDAR
data. In this work, we introduce a new large scale benchmark for scene flow
based on the Waymo Open Dataset. The dataset is $\sim$1,000$\times$ larger than
previous real-world datasets in terms of the number of annotated frames and is
derived from the corresponding tracked 3D objects. We demonstrate how previous
works were bounded based on the amount of real LiDAR data available, suggesting
that larger datasets are required to achieve state-of-the-art predictive
performance. Furthermore, we show how previous heuristics for operating on
point clouds such as artificial down-sampling heavily degrade performance,
motivating a new class of models that are tractable on the full point cloud. To
address this issue, we introduce the model architecture FastFlow3D that
provides real time inference on the full point cloud. Finally, we demonstrate
that this problem is amenable to techniques from semi-supervised learning by
highlighting open problems for generalizing methods for predicting motion on
unlabeled objects. We hope that this dataset may provide new opportunities for
developing real world scene flow systems and motivate a new class of machine
learning problems.
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