Towards Optimal Algorithms for Multi-Player Bandits without Collision
Sensing Information
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 10:14:16 GMT
- Title: Towards Optimal Algorithms for Multi-Player Bandits without Collision
Sensing Information
- Authors: Wei Huang and Richard Combes and Cindy Trinh
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel algorithm for multi-player multi-armed bandits without collision sensing information.
Our algorithm circumvents two problems shared by all state-of-the-art algorithms.
It does not need as an input a lower bound on the minimal expected reward of an arm, and its performance does not scale inversely proportionally to the minimal expected reward.
- Score: 9.467920768170515
- License:
- Abstract: We propose a novel algorithm for multi-player multi-armed bandits without
collision sensing information. Our algorithm circumvents two problems shared by
all state-of-the-art algorithms: it does not need as an input a lower bound on
the minimal expected reward of an arm, and its performance does not scale
inversely proportionally to the minimal expected reward. We prove a theoretical
regret upper bound to justify these claims. We complement our theoretical
results with numerical experiments, showing that the proposed algorithm
outperforms state-of-the-art in practice as well.
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